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History News 

Keep updated with Aavara® new product release, global successful case, PR and industry trend.


Aavara® works with Globallaccess for new territory

We are pleased to sign a new partner - Globallaccess LLC and congratuations on the team successfully complete 🔸Aavara® AV-over-IP technology & 3rd Party Integration Certificates🔹
Capable of ProAV deployment of video distribution plus mounting system in residential, commercial sectors and hospitality in Latin America. 


Aavara® Professional Medical Equipment launches in Poland

Aavara® Professional Medical Equipment launches in Poland
It facilitates the workflow and enhancing the max. efficiency with all functions in one stand-alone workstations . Optimized for the application in Healthcare, Medical institute and MedicalCare. 🏨🏩
💯 Made in Taiwan, Quality Guaranteed, SGS anti-bacterial certificated, download here.

Case study on a successful Control Room deployed by Aavara AV solution

📣📣🔸 Case study on a successful Control Room deployment🔹
A great control room case in Uzbekistan, Central Asia, implemented with Aavara ProAV Solution to fulfill a national professional Control Center.
☑️Aavara®️AV over IP equipment
☑️Aavara®️AV Master Software
☑️10 Customized 3x9 videowall distinct layout
✅Our comprehensive ProAV knowledge base and FW/ SW ⚙️customized Capability 💯
which gives our clients full confidence in reaching a higher scale of implementation.
👍🏻👍🏻Thanks our great partner Charlie Kim @ LISTEN Korea Inc. to work out this great case.

Aavara® launches AV Over IP PB9000-Sender Family 🆕

Aavara® PB9000 AV Over IP Sender Family Introduction.
A full Sender range to fulfill varios kind of ProAV demand in commercial, residential and corporate market.
Aavara® PB9000 AV Over IP Sender Family Introduction.
➡️📃PB9000W-SE Sender Wall Plate
➡️📃PB9000HD-SE Sender Wall Plate
➡️📃PB9000-SE+ 4K Over IP Sender with HDMI Loopout & S/ PDIF Toslink Input
➡️📃PB9000-SE 4K Over IP with Aavara AV Master Control S/W


Aavara® presentó nuevos transmisores para pared

💯🙌Thanks for the report by AVI Latinoamérica- the leading AV Press in Latin America- for Aavara®️ new released AV over IP Wall Plate transmitter solution🔛 #AVILatinoamérica
✔️Aavara presentó nuevos transmisores para pared
🔗PB9000W-SE es una solución de distribución AV con forma de placa de pared elegante para el despliegue AV comercial y residencial que requiere un transmisor in-wall o in-table.
El equipo cuenta con un software control incorporado de Aavara AV Master Web-Based que permite la integración del control con las principales marcas para trabajar con transmisores y receptores estándar PB9000.
Permite la integración con controladores de terceros, como Extron, AMX, Crestron, RTI, SAVANT, Control4, Elan g!, Neets, entre otros, enrutamiento de matriz independiente para cada servicio, configuración fácil de videowall y operación flexible por configuración interfaz Easy-Web, así como soporte para videowalls asimétricos.

Aavara® launches AV Over IP new in-wall solution 🆕

Aavara® PB9000W-SE is a great 4K video distribution wall plate sender solution for commercial AV deployment which required in-wall transmitter, integrating Web-based Aavara AV Master Control Software and 3rd Party Control integration for working with PB9000 standard senders and receivers.
Go to ➡️ PB9000W Product details...

🇪🇸 Watch Spanish video 


Aavara® 3rd Party Control Integration with AV Over IP complete solution

Aavara® is committed to developing 3rd Party Control System integration to faciliate the deployment of commerical and residential requirement for AV Matrix switching.  Now we have covered global well-recognized control brands like Crestron, AMX, SAVANT, Extron, RTI, Control4, Elan g!, Neets, Commandfusion...etc.
Support controlling including multi-casting, videowall, RS232, IP commands, directly from 3rd Party controller to control Aavara box for residential and commercial projects integration. 

Aavara® is proud to support a medical program

Aavara® is proud to be part of participates for this significant medical activity, with much gratitude to Sonoscanner's choice of our high quality tablet holder to fulfill the strict demand of their professional ultrasound scanner solution.
Aavara Tablet Holder Series: ➡️📃Tablet Holder 
Aavara Healthcare Solution: ➡️📃Medical Cart Series

My Work Lounge @Home Free-Style Ergonomic Monitor Arm-AC series Live demo

How to keep spirits up💡while maintaining a routine at remote work from home? It evokes us how important it is to work effectively yet healthily! 💻🎧🎬🎼🎮 
With "My Work Lounge @ Home" solution, it facilitates the homebound to work in an ergonomic and comes with different combinations(1, 2,Monitor arms & optional Loplop/keyboard tray) to meet your varias demends at work.  
Aavara® provides full range of ergonomic workstation & monitor stands to fulfill greater flexibility whatever you desired in your work or home entertainment environment. Learn more...


Aavara's New Partnership with Maritex to distribute in Poland

 Maritex 🤝 Aavara
📣📣We are glad to announce our new partnership with Maritex 🇵🇱🇹🇼, a leading distributor in Automation industry in Poland, now actively involved in AV field with Aavara AV distribution Solution & ergonomic mounting system to fulfill high demand in both industry .  Learn more...


Solución de distribución sobre IP -PB9000 en Latinoamérica

El sistema HDMI / 4K sobre IP es una solución de distribución de video basado en Ethernet que le permite construir una matriz HDMI / 4K de vídeo de cualquier tamaño para instalación en entornos residenciales, comerciales y corporativos.  Lee más...


Aavara presentó elevador de escritorio para home office en AVI Latinoamérica

Aavara lanzó la serie Workstation SDR720M, un elevador de escritorio motorizado con soporte para sentarse que ofrece un ajuste de altura fácil para la ergonomía. El nuevo escenario de trabajo lo hace más flexible y ergonómico pensado para el trabajo en casa.
El SDR720M permite un entorno de trabajo productivo y ergonómico en una posición cómoda, ya sea de pie o sentado. Está equipado con una columna de monitor de ajuste de altura y una bandeja de teclado, presenta un rango de ajuste de altura de 115 mm ~ 515 mm / 4.53" ~ 20.27" y es fácil de levantar y bajar con el botón de control. La administración inteligente de cables hace que el cable desordenado esté en buen estado. Lee más...


Aavara® Launches My Work Lounge @Home ☕️ new working concept

During the period of pandemic in 2020, Aavara realized the glowing demand all over the world arming at "work from home" has become an inevitable change of post-pandemic trend.  We initiates positively with our global partners to roll out a campaign dedicated to "My Work Lounge @Home ☕️" solution.
My Work Lounge @Home ☕️ solution integrated ergonomic products to fulfill your needs.
How to keep spirit up and staying optimistic while working productively is exactly what Aavara "My Work Lounge @Home ☕️" solution will bring to you, learn more...   

Intro with new video - Motorized Sit-Stand Desk Riser

Aavara® Launches My Work Lounge @Home new working concept with a series of nice videos live demo .
How Aavara Motorized Sit-Stand Desk Riser facilitaes your remote work?  Features easy button height adjustment for ergonomics. New working scenario makes you more flexible and ergonomic.  Best choice for Youtuber!  Go to 🇪🇸 Spanish version video


Ánimo for our clients and friends in Italy & España

You are not alone, the beautiful life will reborn.
No estás solo, la belleza de la vida renacerá.
Non sei da solo, la bellezza della vita renascerá.

ISE 2020  with great gratitude for the participation of our global partners 

Aavara® has participate the 11 th years with ISE since 2010, a world largest System Integration show held in the Netherlands.   Great honor to give 2020 Best Distributor Award to Exertis Connect Group for a outstanding performance in past 12 years and great working vibes in mutual work philosophy and well communication, we support each other for a Win-Win synergy.


Aavara 4K Over IP Integrated 3rd Party Control System

3rd party Controller driver likes Control4, Crestron, AMX, RTI, SAVANT and Elang g! Support controlling including multicasting, videowall, rs232 IP commands, directly from 3rd party controller to control Aavara boxes for Residential and Commercial projects integration.


2020 NEW Product Release: Professional Mounting Solution at AVI magazine - Latino America

● Motorized TV Cart CDT860M, CDT861M
● Simplified Mobile computer Cart CDS200, CDS200L
● Professional Heavy Duty Projector Mount PH640
● Workstation Column System - Floor Stand P8812
● Ultra Slim LED Mount AE640


2020 NEW Product Release: 4K Over IP Wall Plate-PB9000W

PB9000-SE in Wall Plate Format Factor:
1. Power from POE
2. HDMI Video Input up to 4K@60Hz 4:2:0 /4K30Hz 4:4:4 HDR 3. HDMI Audio up to 7.1ch LPCM/dts/Dolby ATMOS
Input/Output Connector:
1. Video/Audio Input: HDMI x 1, VGA x 1 (w/ Analog Audio 3.5mm jack)
......Learn more


Solución de distribución 4K/HDMI sobre IP Aavara

La mejor característica del equipo de Aavara es que permite la integración de otras soluciones del mercado, mediante un driver de control que proporcionamos, compatible con marcas como Crestron, AMX, Control4, RTI, Pakedge, Savant, Neets, Commandfusion y Elan g!
Cuenta con funciones completas de control que incluyen multidifusión, VideoWall, comandos IP RS232, directamente desde un controlador de otras marcas al equipo de Aavara.  

Intro with new video - Successful story and case study powered by Aavara

Successful story and case study powered by Aavara PB9000/ PB5000+/PD3000... 

Intro with new video - PB9000 4K Over IP 

PB9000 4K/KVM over IP is a great 4K video distribution solution for Residential, KVM and Signage deploy, integrating Web-based Aavara AV Master Control Software and 3rd Party Control drivers for centralizing control. 


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