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CategoryProduct Name Model No.Model No.Model No.Model No. Model No
Trolley CartMotorized Interactive White Board / Touch Desk Trolley CartCDT860MCDT861M-NEW
Trolley CartLarge Conference Display Trolley CartCDT860E-NEWCDT440CAH01CDT860-NEW
Trolley CartDigital Signage Stand Board & Simplifed Mobile Computer CartCDT460CDS200L-NEWCDS200-NEW
Trolley CartCantilever Medical ARMAMW20AMR20AMW20LAMR20L
Trolley CartMobile Medical Cart CNT01CNR01CND01CNH01
Trolley CartPowered Mobile Medical Cart with Manual LIFTCMT01CMR01CMD01CMH01
Trolley CartPowered Tablet Mobile Medical Cart with e- LIFTCET01CER01CED01CEH01
WorkstationFree Style Sit-Stand Workstation Combo System - Clamp baseWS210WS742
WorkstationFree Style Workstation Combo SystemWSF210WSF110WSF742
WorkstationWorkstation Combo SystemWSR210WSR110WSR742
WorkstationColumn WorkstationW8812W8822WPH01(PC Holder)P8812-NEW
WorkstationSit Stand Desk RiserSDR900SDR720M
Tablet HolderDual Arm Tablet Holder - Clamp basedAPC210APC207
Tablet HolderTablet Holder - Desk StandAA10SAA07S
Monitor Desk StandFree Style Monitor Stand -Clamp baseAC210AC110AC742AKT01ANT01
Monitor Desk StandFree Style Monitor Stand -Grommet baseAI210AI110AI742
Monitor Desk StandFree Style Monitor Stand -On-wall baseAW210AW110AW742
Monitor Desk StandSingle Monitor Stand ≦24''HA741HS740TS011TC011TI011
Monitor Desk StandDual Monitor Stand ≦24''DS200DC200DI200DS440TC001
Monitor Desk StandTriple Monitor Stand ≦24''DS300DC300DI300DS460
Monitor Desk StandQuad Monitor Stand ≦24''DS400DC400DI400
Monitor Desk StandHexa Monitor Stand ≦24''DS600DC600DI600
Monitor Desk StandSingle Monitor Stand ≦32''TS021TC021TI021TC002
Monitor Desk StandDual Monitor Stand ≦32''DS210DC210DI210
Monitor Desk StandTriple Monitor Stand ≦32''DS310DS310iDS360
Monitor Desk StandQuad Monitor Stand ≦32''DS410DC410DI410
Monitor Desk StandHexa Monitor Stand ≦32''DS610DI610i
POS StandPOS Stand -Clamp base  ≦24''TC011TC022TC110TC210
POS StandPOS Stand -Grommet base ≦24''TI011TI022TI110TI210TI001
POS StandExtended POS Stand -Clamp base ≦32''TC042TC012TC024TC112TC212
POS StandExtended POS Stand -Grommet base ≦32''TI042TI012TI024TI112TI212
Ceiling MountDual-sideD9250+EF6540*2D9250+EF2020*2R2000(Extended Tube)
Ceiling MountSingle-sideD9250+EF6540D9250+EF4030D9250+EF2020
Projector MountWall Boom Type PB120PB053PA740-NEWPA600-NEW
Projector MountCeiling TypePL320


PT400(Extended Tube) 
TV Wall SupportFull Motion Wall MountATW10LATW20LATW20MATW10MAE640-NEW
TV Wall SupportFull Motion Wall MountAS444AS244AE444AE222AE211
TV Wall SupportFull Motion Wall MountA8050A6041A4041AR240AR220
TV Wall SupportFull Motion Wall MountAR210AR110AR011
TV Wall SupportVideo Wall Column SystemsVC831V6721V8822
TV Wall SupportFlat Slim Wall mountEF440EF220EE8050EE5040EF6540
TV Wall SupportFlat Slim Wall mountEF4030EF2020EL2020EL2010EL1010
4K60 4:2:0 Solution4K Over IPPB9000-SE+HPB9000W-SE
Wall Plate

PB9000-RE Receiver
4K60 4:4:4 Solution4K Over IPPB9700DNT
PB9700 (AES67)
HD Distribution SolutionHDMI Over IPPB5000HD-S+E
PB5000-R+E PoE
HD Distribution SolutionHDMI Over Cat6 Tree Chain BroadcasterPD3000
HD Distribution SolutionHDMI Over CoaxPCE122IR
Monitor Desk Stand -NEWSingle AIO Stand ≦24'' HA741L-NEWHS740L-NEW
Monitor Desk StandVESA AdapterAV220                  (200x200mm)AV230
Curved Monitor Arm -NEWGS110CGW110CAC210CAI210CAW210CAW110C
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